I found an amazing piece on zombie movies, which relates Hobbes's political philosophy to the evolution of the zombie movie. I don't mean to imply that I'm at all familiar with Hobbes, because I'm not. But I am familiar with zombies, as most of us are. As you've probably noticed, zombie movies are enjoying a resurgence in popularity, after about a decade or so of relative dormancy.
This article is worth the time it takes to get through:
The Running of the Dead by Christian
Best of all,
Thorne reiterates what I love about the horror genre. Besides
satisfying the bloodiest urges of
scopophilia, horror (science fiction, too) is probably the closest
filmic reflection of societal preoccupations and fears. That, and I sometimes enjoy limpid, unequivocal metaphor; don't you?
Remember how we talked about co-blogging once? I've always wanted to write a piece on feminism and/or gender in horror movies because there is so much to write about. Watching Dead Alive recently reawakened that desire in me, but I've decided that there are very few horror movies that you can't analyze from a gendered perspective. Can I Can I? Maybe we can talk more about this when I VIST YOU NEXT WEEK